स्वागतम...सुस्वागतम..."Nitya Study Centre" या सर्वसमावेशक ब्लॉग ला भेट दिलेल्या मान्यवरांचे हार्दिक स्वागत... शै. वर्ष-२०२०-२१ इ.१२ वी निकाल व मूल्यमापन पद्धती जाहीर... NEWS : दहावीच्या विद्यार्थ्यांना मिळणार ड्रॉईंगचे अतिरिक्त गुण... "ज्ञानगंगा" शैक्षणिक कार्यक्रम दहावी आणि बारावीच्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी, आजपासून सह्याद्री वाहिनीवर सुरू... दहावीचा निकाल तयार करण्याचे फॉर्मुले ठरले... MHT-CET Exam 2021: एमएचटी-सीईटी परीक्षेच्या ऑनलाईन अर्जांची नोंदणी आजपासून 7 जुलै पर्यंत राहणार सुरु नववी आणि अकरावीच्या विद्यार्थ्यांच्या मूल्यमापनाबाबत... कोविड टेस्ट...खूप  महत्वाची माहीती..अवश्य वाचा व इतरांनाही पाठवा... दहावी व बारावीतील विद्यार्थ्यांच्या परीक्षेसाठी ताण तणावाचे व्यवस्थापन - विशेष मार्गदर्शन सत्रांचे आयोजन... इ.11 वी व 12 वी आरोग्य व शारिरीक शिक्षण मुल्यमापन व गुणदान योजना... आनापान ध्यान साधना - अर्थ,पद्धत,फायदे आणि प्रशिक्षाणा विषयी माहिती.. दहावी आणि बारावीच्या लेखी व प्रात्यक्षिक परीक्षेच्या तारखा जाहीर...

Tips for English Learning

*Some Very Good Apps to Help Students Learn Spelling...* Spelling is a learned activity that requires formal/informal teaching and practice. You may pick up the oral part of a target language relatively easily (depending on your cognitive capacities, linguistic environment, and the level of your motivation and dedication, among other factors).But when it comes to learning how to spell, read and write, things get bit slower and might require much more attention and careful practice. The widespread of web technologies and mobile application has tremendously facilitated language learning. You can now learn a foreign language from the comfort of your couch and for free. However, in today’s post we are focusing on one aspect of language learning: spelling. We have curated for you this collection of carefully vetted apps to use with your kids, students and anyone else keen on learning and improving their spelling skills. The apps provide guided practice, interactive games, lessons, quizzes, puzzles, and several other materials to make learning spelling a fun and engaging task. We invite you to check them out and share with us if you have other suggestions to add to the list. 1- Simplex Spelling Phonics 1 ‘Simplex Spelling Phonics 1 teaches a full year of spelling curriculum with over 450 high frequency words divided into 42 lists that are organized by spelling patterns and difficulty levels. Each of the 42 lists comes with a lesson that teaches one of the basic building blocks of spelling in the English language. These basic building blocks include the different phonograms, sounds, and spelling rules.’ 2- Montessorium: Intro to Words ‘Intro to Words guides your child so that they can learn to write, read and spell phonetically, and compose their own words and stories with original illustrations! Based on the proven methodology of Montessori.’ 3- Spelling Monster ‘This educational app is a great tool that allows kids to practice their spelling words with fun interactive mini games.’ 4- Spelling Teacher ‘The Spelling Teacher app includes Julia, your child's private spelling teacher who interacts with your student while playing fun learning activities. Teacher Julia also reads words and sentences during spelling practice and while taking weekly spelling tests.’ 5- Word Wizard for Kids ‘Word Wizard offers several unique reading and spelling activities for children ages four to 10’ 6- SPELLING MAGIC 3 ‘SPELLING MAGIC 3 focuses on words that have multiple syllables in them. Examples of words included in this app are, pretzel, button, camel, and trumpet. This app also has compound words in it, such as bobcat, hotdog, dustpan, and handbag. The words are grouped into themed categories for organization and to create interest in the app.’ 7- Spelling Bus ‘Spelling Bus is for learning to spell and practice to spell. Kids see the pictures and listens to the word and then type the spelling.’ 8- Spelling Bug ‘Kids learn to spell the most needed words as they play. Application presents each word by displaying a picture and pronounces the word and presents the letters that are needed to make the word. Kids use there hand to arrange the letters in the right order to make the word.’ 9- A+ Spelling Bee English Words ‘A fantastic spelling game for kids! Guaranteed improvement to spell English words! Bright, colourful and fun way to learn spelling.’ Labels: android apps, E Learning, technology, tips for English Wednesday, 4 July 2018 Instructions in English 🌷 *Instructions in English.(283)* ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜ 1) Stand up. 2) Sit down. 3) Run on the spot. 4) Jump on the spot. 5) Stand on right/left foot. 6) Hop....stop. 7) Turn right. 8) Turn left. 10) Turn back. 11) Turn around. 12) Close your eyes. 13) Open your eyes. 14) Close/open your book. 15) Sit/stand straight. 16) Sit/stand in circle. 17) Sit/stand in queue. 18) Move ur head side to side. 19) Raise your hands. 20) Shake your hands. 21) Sing together. 22) One at once.(एकाने एकदाच..उत्तर सांगताना) 23) Read yourself. (मौन वाचन ) 24) It's your turn.(आता तुझा नंबर) 25) Come forward. 26) Come one/two steps forward. 27) Come here. 28) Go back to your seat. 29) Climb one/two steps. 28) Don't speak. 29) Keep silence. 30) Wash your hands. 31) Rub your hands. 32) Show me your head.(body parts) 33) Point to the blackboard. 34) Put your hands at your waist. 35) Don't move. 36) Don't stand up...etc 37) Touch your nose. 38) Touch the ground. 39) Take your breakfast/lunch/dinner. 40) Attention. (सावधान) 41) Rest. (विश्राम) 42) Bend down. 43) Catch/throw the ball. 45) Clean the blackboard. 46) Point to the window/cupboard/table...etc. 47) Call him. 48) Come in. 49) Go out. 50) Go to the blackboard.

 🌼 *Simple Commands and* *Instructions used in the* *Class Room*
 1) Good Morning, Children. 2) Good Morning, Sir/Madam. 3) Stand up. 4) Sit down. 5) Please sit down. 6) Come here. 7) Bring your English work book. 8) Open your book at page no 25. 9) Raise your hand 10) Look here. 11) Look at the black board. 12) Please listen to me carefully. 13) Listen to the story. 14) Please keep quiet. 15) Don’t make a noise. 16) Copy this line (sentence) in your exercise book. 17) Show me your book. 18) Read silently. 19) Stand in a row. 20) Sit in a first row. 21) Please say it again. 22) Say answer. 23) Take this as home work. 24) Read this paragraph. 25) Stop writing. 26) Come and meet me after the class. 27) Read this para one after another. 28) Come near. 29) Write quickly. 30) Say it loudly after me. 31) Write the data on the black board. 32) Please write your name on your paper. 33) Stand beside me. 34) Come inside. 35) Go to your class rooms. 36) Don’t say it after me. 37) Note this down. 38) Say answer to this question. 39) Come and meet me again. 40) Write with pencil. 41) Go and ask your English teacher. 42) Write with a pen. 43) Sit here. 44) Stand here. 45) Don’t sit here. 46) Say it after me. 47) Avoid eating in the class. 48) Let him say first. 49) Wait here untile the class is over. 50) Time is up. 51) Introduce me to her. 52) Follow me/come with me. 53) Ask him / her name. 54) Say it alou. 55) Don’t say all together. 56) Don’t answer all together. 57) Close your book. 58) Pick up your pencil. 59) Put down your pencil. 60) Go to the black board. 61) Open the door. 62) Close the door. 63) Shut the window. 64) Go back to your seat. 65) Take out your English note books. 66) Write down. 67) Please listen to him / her. 68) Let me say first. 69) Walk back to your seat. 70) Walk to the door. 71) Tack a sheet of paper. 74) Open your work book at page no.13. 75) Please pay your attention. 76) Clean the black board. 77) Close your books, you may go home. 78) Give back your answer papers. 79) Stop talking. 80) Let us stop the lesson here. 81) Do your home work at home. 82) Read this paragraph one after another. 83) Stop doing that. 84) Don’t stand here. 85) Wait here. 86) Take it. 87) Wait out side. 88) Get ready / be ready. 89) Go at once. 90) Get out. 91) Get in. 92) Don’t write. 93) Don’t go. 94) Try again. 95) Bring work books tomorrow. 96) Please come back. 97) Say your names / numbers for attendance. 98) Let me see. 99) Bring me a glass of water. 100) Keep everything ready. 101) Wake me up at 5 o clock. 102) Move a little bit. 103) Don’t move. 104) Don’t forget. 105) Come after wards. 106) Don’t say like that. 107) Do your own work. 108) Come back soon. 109) Stay here. 110) Respect your parents / elders. 111) Switch on the light. 112) Switch off the light. 113) Go back. 114) Read aloud. 115) Remind me about it tomorrow. 116) Don’t be late. 117) Write with a red pen. 118) Don’t copy others. 119) Go and come. 120) Go and blow your nose. 121) Brush your teeth. 122) Don’t stand there. 123) Don’t waste your time. 124) Take relax for some time. 125) Keep them orderly. 126) Read the sentences carefully. 127) See how to write / read / say. 128) See (meet) me on Sunday. 129) Shut your mouth first. 130) Tell him to come here. 131) Wash your hands. 132) Underline the words with pencil. 133) Tell her, It is very urgent. 134) Tell her, I am very much thankful. 135) Tell me what happened actually. 136) Put it on paper / tab llisten. 137) Move aside Move ahead. 138) Come forward. 139) Leave it. 140) Stretch your hand. 141) Don’t stand under the trees. 142) Come to me. 143) All girls go to pullaiah sir. 144) Go through the lessons. 145) Look at the contents page. 146) Show me your home work one after another. 147) Now let us speak English for 10 minutes. 148) Give him a big hand. 149) Go to the tap and wash your face. 150) Listen to me, you will be here at 9.30 A.M tomorrow. 151) Carry on. 152) Don’t worry. 153) Listen what I say. 154) Have a little patience 155) Go to bed. 156) Let us begin. 157) Write quickly. 158) Come to Point. 159) Think before you speak. 160) Go ahead 161) Don’t distrub me. 162) Come in time. 163) Come here on time. 164) Don’t go any where. Speak loudly. 165) Come on. 166) Switch on the fan. 167) Switch off the fan. 168) Stop here. 169) Comb your hair. 170) Sign here. 171) Get lost. 172) Be good. 173) Be silent. 174) Get up. 175) Get out. 176) Get in. 177) Shut up. 178) Try again. 178) Please remind me. 179) Let Ravi come. 180) Let him go. 181) Don’t be silly in the class. 182) Put everything in order. 183) Don’t come late to school. 184) Talk politely. 185) Follow me. 186) Keep it with you.. 187) Come and have your meal. 188) Convey the news to other. 189) Observe carefully 190) Try to come in time 191) Never speak to me like that. 192) Name some flowers. 193) Take it easy. 194) Tell me. 195) Please be seated. 196) Hello Rani, please open the English work book, see/(look at) page no.11. 197) Geeta come here and erase the black board. 198) Children, please trace and copy the words on page no.41. 199) Ravi, please read these words. 200) Mani, you go and touch the window. 201) Sandhya, please clean here. 202) Close your eyes. 203) Go to the play ground. 204) Please go and get some water. 205) Repeat it. 206) Listen, watch, look, write, copy, trace. 207) Do your home work at home. 208) Take care. 209) See you. 210) Keep it up. 211) Don’t do that. 212) Stop that,Good. 213) Give back your answer papers. 214) Please write your names on your papers. 215) Keep your papers on the table. 215) Don’t forget to bring the fee. 216) Don’t worry about it. 217) Cheer up. 218) Mani draw a line, on the black board. 219) Give her space. 220) Give the pencil to the girl. 221) Check your mistakes. 222) Don’t exchange answers. 223) Go in a line. 224) Stand in a line. 225) Form in the group. 226) Come to me. 227) Tie your papers. 228) Don’t call her by her name. 229) Don’t listen bad. 230) Don’t say bad. 231) Don't see bad. 232) Call her. 233) Call him.
 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 Labels: Educational pdf, pdf, tips for English Damage related words:
 1. Chipped - damaged by having a small piece. The paint had chipped off. 2. Dented - to make a small mark on the surface of something. Many of the cans were badly dented. 3. Smashed - violently or badly broken or shattered. He smashed the vase with a hammer. 4. Scratched - mark the surface of (something) with a sharp or pointed object. The dog was scratching on the door. 5. Cracked - damaged and showing lines on the surface of something The old pipes were cracked and leaking. 6. Broken - split or cracked into pieces The glass was broken by him.
 Labels: tips for English Phrases to use - to agree (सहमती दर्शवण्यासाठी वापरायची वाक्ये:) Today, we will learn about phrases that one should use while agreeing or disagreeing with something. (आज आपण, एखाद्या गोष्टीबद्दल सहमत/असहमती दर्शविताना वापरण्यासाठीच्या वाक्यांबद्दल शिकणार आहोत.)
 1. That's right! 2. Definitely! 3. Exactly! 4. So do I 5. No doubt about it. 6. We're in accord 7. Our thoughts are parallel 8. That's just what I was thinking. 9. I could not have said it any better 10. I think you are totally right about that. 11. You got it. 12. Absolutely! 13. I agree with you. 14. You're so right. Phrases to use - to disagree (असहमती दर्शवण्यासाठी वापरायची वाक्ये:) 1. I agree with you to a point, but.. 2. I understand what you are saying, however... 3. I see what you are saying, but.. 4. I am afraid, I don't agree... 5. I'm sorry but, I just can't agree... 6. Sorry, but I really can't agree to that... 7. Hmm.. I wonder if it's true that... 8. I don't think that's such a good idea...
 Labels: tips for English Ways to Apologies: (क्षमा मागण्याचे मार्ग:) # Sorry! (माफ करा!) Pardon. I beg your pardon. I am terribly sorry I am sorry I am really sorry I am awfully sorry Excuse me Excuse me, please # I didn't mean that (मला तसं म्हणायचं नव्हतं) My mistake I was mistaken. I messed up. I made an error. # Just a moment, please. Wait one minute This will take a second This will take a minute Please wait for a second Hold on for a second Excuse me a moment # Am I disturbing you? (मी तुम्हाला त्रास तर देत नाही नं?) Is this a good time? Are you busy? Am I intruding? Am I bothering you? # That's my fault (ही माझी चूक आहे) Sorry, I wasn't paying attention Sorry, I was negligent It's my fault. It was careless of me. I'm to blame I did that, sorry. I did it, sorry. - May 17, 2018 No comments: Links to this post Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Labels: tips for English Interjections are used to convey emotions. 1. Ahem - The sound of someone clearing their throat and means “attention” or “listen” Ahem...Can I point something out, here? 2. Aah - to express joy, or surprise Aah! isn't that wonderful? 3. Boo - Used to scare someone or to voice disapproval Boo! You went to the park without me! 4. Eh - used to express inquiry, surprise, or to seek agreement. Eh? What's this? 5. Eww - used to express disgust or distaste. Eww, that smells horrible! 6. Hmm - thinking or hesitating or to express uncertainty hmm, interesting idea 7. Jeez - used to show surprise or annoyance. Jeez! It's not fair! 8. Ooh-la-la - A slightly comical way to refer to something as fancy or special Ooh la la, look at that dress! 9. Oops - Used to apologize Oops! I am sorry. 10. Phew - expressing relief Phew! The assignment is over. 11. Whoa - used to express surprise or interest, or to command attention. Whoa, that's huge! 12. Yahoo - Expresses joy or happiness You mean we were accepted for the reality show? yahoo! 13. Yeah - a very strong agreement or approval Yeah! I will do it. 14. Yoo-hoo - used to get someone’s attention. Yoo-hoo! Do I look pretty in this dress? 15. Cheerio - used to say goodbye. It’s time for me to go. Cheerio! 16. Good grief - an exclamation of surprise or alarm. Good grief! Why are you wearing shorts in the winter? 17. Grrr! - shows anger or annoyance. Grrr! I’m going to get back at him for that. 18. Humph/ Hmph - used to express doubt or dissatisfaction. Humph, he probably cheated to make such good grades. 19. Oh dear! - shows worry Oh dear! I don’t know what to do about this mess. 20. Well Duh! / Duh! - used in response to something said that is too obvious to need to be mentioned Well, duh! I told you he was lying! 21. Yowza! - used to express approval, excitement, or enthusiasm. Yowza! That is a beautiful gown. 22. Bah! - Shows dispapointment Bah! That was a total waste of time. 23. Alas! - Sadness Alas! We lost the match. 24. All hail - used as a greeting or to welcome someone All hail the new kids on the block 25. Bravo - Used to praise someone! You won the race! Bravo! 26. Ouch - Used to express pain Ouch! That hurt! Labels: tips for English Types of nuts: (कठीण कवचाच्या फळांचे प्रकार:) 1. Pecan (पेकान) 2. Peanut (शेंगदाणा) 3. Hazelnut (डोंगरी बदाम) 4. Walnut (अक्रोड) 5. Almond (बदाम) 6. Brazil nut (ब्राझिलचा बदाम) 7. Chestnut (चेस्टनट) 8. Cashew (बदाम) 9. Pistachio (पिस्ता) 10. Kola nut (कोला नट) 11. Pine nut (पाईन नट) Labels: tips for English Phrases on secrets: (सिक्रेटशी संबंधित वाक्ये:) 1. Keep it under wraps. (ही गोष्ट गुप्त ठेव.) 2. My lips are sealed (माझे ओठ बंद आहेत.) 3. Don't spill the beans (माझं सिक्रेट कोणालाही सांगू नकोस) 4. Don't let the cat out of the bag (हे गुपित उघड होऊ देऊ नकोस) 5. Behind closed doors (गुप्तपणे घडणे) 6. Give the game away (अनवधानाने गुपित उघड करणे) 7. Keep it under your hat (एखादी गोष्ट गुप्त राखणे) 8. Mum's the word (गुपित उघड न करणे) 9. On the quiet (कोणाच्याही लक्षात न येऊ देता, शांतपणे) 10. In strict confidence (गोपनीय ठेवणे) 11. Be as quiet as a mouse 12. On the sly 13. Don't dish the dirt 14. Take the lid off 15. To be a dark horse 16. Off the record 17. Poker face 18. To bite/hold your tongue Labels: tips for English Mother's Day निमित्त wish करणे 1. Happy Mother's Day to God's most beautiful image on earth! You have always given me the best of everything. May God give you the best of everything! (या पृथ्वीवरील देवाच्या सर्वात सुंदर मूर्तीला Happy Mother's Day! तू मला नेहमी प्रत्येक गोष्ट सर्वोत्तम दिली आहे. देवही तुला प्रत्येक गोष्ट सर्वोत्तम देवो.) 2. To the best mother in the universe: Happy Mother’s Day! You deserve all the love, care and support that you’ve lovingly given me every day of my life. I love you! (या जगतातील सर्वात चांगल्या आईला Happy Mother's Day! प्रेम, काळजी, आधार या सर्वांवर तुझा हक्क आहे जे तू मला माझ्या आयुष्यात प्रत्येक दिवशी दिले आहेस. मी तुझ्यावर खूप प्रेम करतो!) 3. I know I don't say it every day, but I feel your love and care in everything you do for me. The little things you do for me are always special to me. :) (मला जाणवते की मी हे रोज म्हणत नाही पण मला प्रत्येक गोष्टीत तुझे प्रेम आणि काळजी जाणवते. तू माझ्यासाठी ज्या छोट्या-छोट्या गोष्टी करतेस त्या माझ्यासाठी खास आहेत. :)) 4. God has blessed me with you. When I count my blessings, I don't know how to count you. All my happiness, all my virtues, they all have been given by you! 5. From your scoldings, which are actually your way to care. From your love, which is always there. To the worries, when I am unaware. Mom, you're my savior in this world. 6. When I was little you never let go of my hand, and I promise I will keep holding on to yours, forever! 7. You've made me what I am today! Your love makes me feel that there is good in the world. Happy Mother's Day! 8. The most unconditional love I have ever known is the love from you, mom. I love you! Happy Mother's Day! This mother's day Share a Coke with your inspirational and loving mother! Labels: tips for English Ways to give bad news: 1. I'm afraid I have got some bad news for you.. 2. I'm sorry I have got a bit of bad news to tell you... 3. I really don't know how to say it but... 4. I'm sorry to have to say this, but... 5. I really feel bad to have to say this, but... 6. I regret to inform you that... 7. I tried .... but .... ‌8. Unfortunately.... 9. Due to [talk about the problem].... 10. Unfortunately there are some problems with.... 11. Something else has come up... 12. Because of.... 13. It's not possible because.... 14. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear but I hope that... 15. I am so sorry but..... 16. I had really hoped to.... but..... 17. I have some distressing news. 18. I have some disappointing news for you.. Labels: tips for English English Facts! (इंग्रजी तथ्ये!) Did you know? (तुम्हाला माहिती आहे का?) The words 'orange', 'month', 'silver', 'purple' have no perfect rhymes in English! (इंग्रजीमध्ये 'orange', 'month', 'silver', 'purple' या शब्दांसाठी योग्य यमक शब्द नाहीत.) Labels: tips for English Friday, 4 May 2018 Contracted form's Contraction words: (आकुंचित शब्द) 1. Are not = aren't 2. Cannot = can't 3. Could not = couldn't 4. Did not = didn't 5. Do not = don't 6. Does not = doesn't 7. Had not = hadn't 8. Have not = haven't 9. He is = he's 10. He will = he'll 11. He would = he'd 12. He had = he'd 13. Here is = here's 14. I am = I'm 15. We are = we're 16. We have = we've 17. We will = we'll 18. We had = we'd 19. Were not = weren't 20. Where is = where's 21. Who is = who's 22. Who will = who'll 23. Would not =wouldn't 24. You are = your're 25. You have = you've Labels: tips for English opposite words Antonyms are words that are opposite to each other. Here are a few words: 1. Above × Below (वर × खाली) 2. Add × Subtract (बेरीज × वजाबाकी) 3. All × None (सर्व × काहीच नाही) 4. Alone × Together (एकटे × एकत्र) 5. Always × Never (नेहमी × कधीही नाही) 6. Back × Front (मागे × पुढे) 7. Before × After (पूर्वी × नंतर) 8. Begin × End (सुरुवात × शेवट) 9. Big × Little (मोठे × लहान) 10. Cold × Hot (थंड × गरम) 11. Cool × Warm (थंड × उष्ण) 12. Dark × Light (अंधार × प्रकाश) 13. Difficult × Easy (अवघड × सोपे) 14. Dry × Wet (कोरडे × ओले) 15. Early × Late (लवकर × उशिरा) 16. East × West (पूर्व × पश्चिम) 17. Empty × Full (रिक्त × भरलेले) 18. Enter × Exit (प्रवेश करणे × बाहेर पडणे) 19. Even × Odd (सम × विषम) 20. Fact × Fiction (तथ्य × कल्पना) 21. Private × Public (खाजगी × सार्वजनिक) 22. Play × Work (खेळणे × काम करणे) 23. Part × Whole (भाग × संपूर्ण) 24. Over × Under (च्या वर × च्या खाली) 25. Open × Close (उघडे × बंद) 26. On × Off (चालू × बंद) 27. North × South (उत्तर × दक्षिण) 28. Near × far (जवळ × दूर) 29. Most × Least (बहुतेक × किमान) 30. Loud × Quiet (कर्कश × शांत) 31. First × Last (पहिला × शेवटचा) 32. Get × Give (घेणे × देणे) 33. Tie × Untie (जोडणे × सोडणे) 34. High × Low (उच्च × कमी) 35. Inside × Outside (आत × बाहेर) 36. Jolly × Serious (गंमतीशीर × गंभीर) 37. Know × Guess (माहिती असणे × अंदाज बांधणे) 38. Leave × Stay (निघणे × थांबणे) 39. Push × Pull (ढकलणे × ओढणे) 40. Question × Answer (प्रश्न × उत्तर) 41. Raise × Lower (उंचावणे × खालावणे) 42. Right × Wrong (बरोबर × चूक) 43. Sad × Happy (दुःखी × आनंदी) 44. Sit × Stand (बसणे × उभे राहणे) 45. Sweet × Sour (गोड × कडू) 46. There × Here (तिथे × इथे) 47. Thick × Thin (जाड × पातळ) 48. Lock × Unlock 49. Throw × Catch 50. Safe × Dangerous Labels: tips for English Tuesday, 1 May 2018 ways to say 'goodbye' to someone: Today, we learn few informal ways to say 'goodbye' to someone: 1. So long.. I said so long and left! 2. Bye, See you later 3. Be seein' you.. I am sure we will be seeing you again! 4. Bye-Bye - Bye-Bye, see you soon! 5. Adios - Until we meet again, Adios! 6. Be good. 7. Catch you. - Catch you, later. Bye! 8. See you again 9. See you around 10. See you soon 11. Bye for now 12. Au-Revoir - goodbye, until we meet again Here's hoping it is 'au revoir' and not goodbye" 13. Come whenever you can 14. Hasta La vista - goodbye, see you later hasta la vista and good luck 15. Drop in again 16. Be careful 17. See you tomorrow 18. We'll see you 19. Hurry back 20. Auf Wiedersehen - until we meet again. 21. Come again 22. Aloha 23. Adieu 24. Bon Voyage - used to express good wishes to someone about to set off on a journey. Good luck and bon voyage! 25. Glad you came 26. God be with you 27. Have a nice day 28. Have a safe trip 29. It's been fun 30. See you some more 31. Bye, dear‌ Labels: tips for English Ways to ask for an information: (माहिती विचारण्याचे मार्ग:) 1. Can you tell me..? (तू मला सांगशील का?) 2. Could you tell me..? (तू मला सांगू शकशील का?) 3. I'd like to know.. (मला जाणून घ्यायला आवडेल..) 4. Do you know..? (तुला माहिती आहे का?) 5. Do you have any idea...? (तुला काही कल्पना आहे का?) 6. Could anyone tell me..? (use this phrase when asking a group of people) (तुमच्यापैकी कोणी मला सांगेल का? (लोकांच्या समूहामध्ये प्रश्न विचारताना या वाक्याचा उपयोग करा)) 7. Would you happen to know...? (तुला जाणून घ्यायचे आहे का?) 8. I don't suppose you (would) know..? (मला वाटत नाही की तुला माहिती असेल?) 9. I was wondering.... (मी विचार करत होतो...) 10. I'm calling to find out...(use this phrase on the telephone) (हे जाणून घेण्यासाठी मी फोन केला आहे... (फोनवर बोलताना या वाक्याचा उपयोग करा)) 11. Do you happen to know...? (तुला ते माहित करून घ्यायचे आहे का?) 12. Could you find out....? (तू हे शोधू शकतोस का?) 13. Could you give me some idea of...? (तू मला याबद्दल काही कल्पना देशील का?) 14. I'm interested in... (याबाबत मला स्वारस्य आहे..) 15. I'm looking for.... (मी हे जाणून घेण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहे...) 16. Have you got an idea of..? (तुला याची काही कल्पना आहे का?) 17. Don't suppose you (would) know..? (तुला माहिती असेल असं वाटत नाही?) 18. I wonder if you could tell me..? (तू मला सांगशील का याचा मी विचार करत होतो?) 19. I wonder if someone could tell me...?‌ (मला कोणी सांगेल का याचा मी विचार करत होतो?)

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